The season of Lent is symbolic of the last 40 days of Jesus’ earthly life. It is
recognized as the period beginning Ash Wednesday, and culminating on Easter or
Resurrection Sunday. Traditionally the Christian Church devotes this time period
with the disciplines of seeking the Lord in prayer, reading scripture, giving
sacrificially and self-control in fasting.
This year, I am not asking for a church- wide fast. (Those who desire to fast,
please do so as you are led) Although what I am presenting may already be
practiced by some in part, it may require more. It will require the sacrifice of time
and maybe even the sacrifice of a part of your favorite activities and interests. The
Lord has laid it upon my heart to call this discipline: “LET US P-R-A-Y”. So,
beginning Ash Wednesday which this year is February 14, through Easter, March
31, we will do the following:
PRAY: each day at noon for the salvation of our families; the growth and strength
of CTBC, the safety and unity in our communities; and for a revival in our nation!
READ: set aside extra time for the Lord to read through all 150 chapters of
Psalms. (about four chapters per day.) The longer Psalms such as 119, will be a
one day reading.
ATTEND: if you are not doing so, begin attending our conference call Bible
Studies, Prayer Meetings and Sunday School in person or via Zoom. Also invite
family and friends. (see Zoom info below)
YELL: Collectively, we, our virtual members and guests will shout praises to God
on Resurrection Sunday for the blessings we have received!
Finally, take personal notes expressing your experiences during your time
of practicing the “LET US P-R-A-Y” discipline. Also write out prayer requests to be
prayed over each Sunday leading up to Easter! This goes for our virtual viewers as
well! Practice actions can become habits!

Let’s do more for the Lord in 2024!
More Word, Worship and More Work!

Dr. Dale A. Lawson, Sr. Pastor